The Key is the UNLOCKED Foundation's podcast, which is for women, by women, centered on the topic of self-worth and empowering women to take the brave steps to close the pay gap in their own lives.

Listen to 10 min versions on Spotify. Full versions are exclusively available to UNLOCKED members.



    Meet the seven co-founders and board members for the UNLOCKED Foundation. Sit back, relax and listen to their Key conversation about self-worth, networking, and closing the pay gap. 


    Jennifer Jones is a wife and mother of 4 little dragons. She left her 20 year career as a top earner in pharmaceutical sales to go all in on network marketing. Since then, she has become the Founder/CEO of Ignite & Launch Society, a platform for those wanting to dominate in their direct selling business.

  • EPISODE 03: Minaa B

    Minaa B. is a writer, author, and the founder of Minaa B. Consulting, a mental health consulting practice that works with organizations to help them develop psychological safety and become mental health-inclusive.

  • EPSIODE 04: Meggie Palmer

    Meggie founded PepTalkHer with the mission of closing the gender pay gap. The PepTalkHer App helps you track your career successes. It uses artificial intelligence to coach confidence & negotiation and to give you a pep talk when you need it most.

  • EPISODE 05: Amii Barnard-Bahn

    With over two decades of hands-on experience advising executives within Fortune 50 corporations, Amii is a seasoned authority in professional advancement. She shares her insights in her book, which delves into the essential qualities required for climbing the career ladder and enhancing personal fulfillment.

  • EPISODE 06: Dr. Anna Emily

    Dr. Anna Emily is the founder of She's So Money, a personal finance & investing education company for women. She is passionate about teaching women how to feel empowered with their finances and become confident investors so that they can create the security, freedom and lifestyle they desire.


    In a prior life, Isa was a research chemist at Pfizer and a Wall Street executive at JP Morgan Chase in New York & Hong Kong. Isa holds a BS in Chemistry from Hampton University, a Masters in Biochemistry from Cornell University, and an MBA with a concentration in Economics from MIT.

  • EPISODE 08: Lynne Filderman

    With a professional journey spanning over four decades, Lynne Fildermann has been driven by purpose since day one, starting in the technology policy sphere and expanding into an illustrious career as an independent consultant.